Be Careful What You Wish For
So, once again, it’s our fault. Hezbullah kidnaps Israeli soldiers and Israel retaliates, and it’s the fault of the United States. And once again, the US concedes Israel’s stand by agreeing to the cease fire terms demanded by the Arab states. The Arab countries in turn make these demands because the “street” is against Israel and America in all things. So, it’s all our fault.
I’ve just about lost the faith. Let’s leave. They don’t like us? Then let’s just go home. Leave Iraq to the civil war they seem to crave. Leave Afghanistan to the Talaban and the drug lords. And yes, leave Israel to fall. Extend asylum to them and allow them to come here, but let’s just stop beating this horse. But also, let’s leave North Korea to it’s own devices. Let China and Japan deal with it when their tanks roll into Seoul. Leave Eastern Europe to the EU to clean up. Let them find a way to keep them from killing each other. France craves the job of superpower so much? Let her take it. Let’s see how wonderful the world is when Paris calls the shots.
When terrorists are blowing up trains all over Europe, how will Paris respond? When tribal war breaks out in Africa, what will Germany do about it? When governments in South America are completely helpless in the face of drug cartels, what will the UN do? When the world is dominated by religious, criminal, or communist tyrants, who will the world ask to stand for them?
Careful what you wish for world. With the mood I’m in today, I for one would love to give it to you.
I do have one question though. We have the greatest media establishment in the world. So why can’t we get our side of the story out to the rest of the world?